Saturday, June 2, 2012

Min Ho Jung/ Childhood Memory/ Wed 11AM

My Childhood Memories

201101227 Min Ho Jung

     When someone asks about my special childhood memory, my mind immediately goes to the time I spent in Michigan. Among the countless stories I can remember, the ones that linger longer than other are the ones that I had with my family and our friends. The friends I am referring to are my dad's friends and their family. There are three other families, and all our dads met when they went to University together. We spent most of our Summer and Winter vacations with them and would gather together once in a week. Among the various trips we went on, the most memorable one is the last Christmas all of us spent together. We went to the usual place we go during Winter break, rented a condo and went skiing together. It was nothing much different from our usual trips; we skied, had our snowball fights, rode down the high hill on our sleds, ate delicious food from the restaurant, drank hot chocolate in front of the fire place, went into the hot tub and stayed up all night talking. In the morning we will discover presents in the stockings and under the Christmas tree; nothing different from your usual Christmas. Nevertheless, what made it special for me was that I knew it would be my last holiday I would be spending with my friends, and the fact that it felt so warm and cozy to be with them made me sad. When I had to say good bye to them, I felt as if someone punched me hard. It truly broke my heart, and was one of the hardest things I had to do. Despite the fact we haven't seen them for a long time, I know that this special memory will be in my head and will always be cherished.


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