The most nervous interview in my life
Miyeon Kim
Before entering HUFS, I had to do lots of things such as taking the scholastic aptitude test and the college essay test, and undergoing interview. I remember that the first two processes were really hard, but the last one, the interview with teaching staff, was the most difficult course. Just before I entered testing room, I was waiting in the hall. And when my name was called, I sat in front of professors having lots of mixed emotions. The first task was reading English text and answering the related questions. Other student might know about the English test, but I didn't have any information. I was so embarrassed and thought many things in few seconds - how can I give them right answer? Fortunately, the text was a short story of a girl and her mother, so I could understand what it was. The next one was current topics. The teaching staff asked me few questions, like "what do you think of multiculturalism?" I swallowed hard because I have not thought about that. There was a silence for a while. I asked for time to think. Then, I swallowed hard again and give them an answer. Lastly, they ask me to explain my vision and dream. I mentioned it shortly and I went out of the room. After finishing all questions, I couldn't feel my legs. After a few weeks, I was luckily accept by HUFS, and now I am studying at this college. Interviewing gave me a hard time, but it was really worthwhile. And moreover, thanks to experience of having interview, I could pass other club interviews quite easily!
I like the way you describe the situation and your feeling. Actually, I didn't have interview to enter this school, but I really felt your concerns and tension, reading your sentences like "I swallowed hard..". However, I'm not sure what this sentence means; I couldn't feel my legs. Your writing would be better, if you make the meaning of this sentence clear..