Monday, May 28, 2012

Sehee Hwang/The Best Job For Me/Wed 11AM

I want to be a composer

The best job for people is the job that they can truly enjoy while doing it. For me, it would be the something related to the music such as a composer. This is the best job for me because I feel really happy when I play or listen to the music. I think people can become an expert by working on the field for long time. It is not easy to work on one thing for long time unless you really like doing it. If you truly enjoy it, you would not only work on it but also keep developing your ideas and make strong points that other people can hardly follow. So I think doing what I want to do is the best job for me. I have been playing the piano for almost 20 years. I don't play the piano to look cool or to show off. I just like it. No one has forced me to do it but I took lessons about making a song and how to play jazz piano well because it is what I enjoy the most and what I can do the best. These days, I stepped back a little bit from what I really want to do because I have works to do in my college. I am conflicting whether I should get a job in some company or work on what I want to do. Nevertheless, I am sure that the best job for me is the composer.


  1. It sounds really great that you want to be a composer. I love listening to music and playing the guitar, but I've never thought about working in the music industry as a composer. You mentioned that you've stepped back from "what you really want to do" because of studying, but what exactly is that you want to do? Is there anything else that you could do in becoming a compososer other than listening to and playing music, and learning and playing the piano? It would be better if you explained a little bit more.

  2. From Miyeon Kim

    I have heard of your job because you wrote about your piano and your dream before. Your essay is clear, but I think there is just one reason to decide your job; you have liked it more than 20 years. I believe that your paragraph will be improved when you add some your experience and reputation of your work/ability.
