Sunday, April 1, 2012

Joung Hwan Park / HUFS station / Wed 11am

     HUFS station is a fairly small station based on Line 1, which has many interesting characteristics. The station itself was originally an old fashioned one, but it went under refurbishment about two years ago and has been as it is now ever since. The old, stone-grey stairs still exist at one of the exits, but nowadays people tend to use escalators more when going up the station. Every five or so minutes, trains would come into the platform with a welcome message from a well-spoken female voice from the speaker saying "This train is for Incheon, Incheon" and so on. Hence, a warning bell from the railroad crossing just below the station rings out loud, and the red and white arms of the barricade come down to indicate that a train is passing by. At peak hours between eight and nine in the morning, the sound of feet of busy students and people heading to work fill up the station along with the smell of freshly made coffee buns from the bakery inside the station. A coffee bun costs around 2,000 Won , and as you take a bite from its soft, brown exterior, you'll be able to taste the coffee flavored bread melt in your mouth. I think these are the characteristics that make HUFS station and the lifestyle of people in its neighborhood the way it is today.


  1. I think your writing is so good that i can't advise you.
    Whenever I go to HUFS station, I smell baking that bun. So I want to eat!

  2. HUFS station (2nd draft)

    HUFS station is a fairly small station based on Line 1, which has many interesting characteristics. The station itself was originally an old fashioned one, but it has changed after going under refurbishment about two years ago. The old, stone-grey stairs still exist at one of the exits, but nowadays people tend to use escalators more when going up the station. Mixture of old and new is visible from the integration of the initial grey, worn out and rusted building structures with new ticket machines and shops that have been put into the station. Every five or so minutes, trains would come into the platform with a welcome message from a well-spoken female voice from the speaker saying “This train is for Incheon, Incheon” and so on. Hence, a warning bell from the railroad crossing just below the station rings out loud, and the red and white arms of the barricade come down to indicate that a train is passing by. At rush hours between eight and nine in the morning, the sound of feet of busy students and people heading to work fill up the station along with the smell of freshly made coffee buns from the bakery inside the station. As you take a bite from its soft, brown exterior, you’ll be able to taste the coffee flavored bread melt in your mouth. I think these are the characteristics that make HUFS station and the lifestyle of people in its neighborhood the way it is today.
